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A Index Explained . Date of index value: 14:28 GMT 25th Mar, 2025
Index Name | Value | Change |
A Index | 77.75 | (+0.25) |
Last updated 24/01/2022
Terms and Conditions for Website Use by Subscribers
The terms and conditions under which you may use (“the Website”). If you do not accept these terms and conditions, please leave the Website immediately.
By accessing and using the Website you are indicating your acceptance to be bound by the terms of this Agreement and you re-affirm that acceptance every time you access the Website. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, you may not use the Website.
This Agreement is between Cotlook Limited registered at Barnston House, Beacon Lane, Heswall, Wirral, CH60 0EE, UK (“Cotlook”) and you. It is a legal document which sets out your rights and obligations and those of Cotlook in relation to your access to and use of the Website. In all cases the English Language Version of these Terms and Conditions is deemed to supersede all versions in other languages. All correspondence should be directed to or by post to PO Box 111, Liverpool, L19 2WQ, UK.
Cotlook is a company registered in England. This Agreement is governed and construed in accordance with English law. You and Cotlook each submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in relation to disputes arising out of this Agreement.
Browse at your own risk
Please note that you access and use the Website at your own risk. Cotlook is not responsible for any type of loss or damage which you may sustain as a result of accessing and using the Website.
Cotlook assumes no responsibility for the contents of any other website to which the Website has links and if you access any such linked website(s) you do so at your own risk. Cotlook’s inclusion of links to such websites does not imply any endorsement by Cotlook of the materials on such websites. Cotlook does not permit any third party to operate a link to the Website without obtaining Cotlook’s written consent.
The Website is accessed via the world-wide web (“WWW”) which is independent of Cotlook. Your use of the WWW is solely at your own risk and subject to all applicable national and international laws and regulations. Cotlook has no responsibility for any information or services obtained by you on the WWW.
Cotlook reserves the right to make subsequent changes to, modify, supplement, move or delete portions of or add to the Website at any time with or without notice.
Purpose of the Website
The purpose of the Website is to provide news and information on the cotton industry for your personal information only. It is not intended for trading or advice purposes. The Website is divided into 2 main sections, one is available to all Website users free of charge (“the General Section”) and the second is available only to subscribers (“the Subscriber Section”).
Intellectual Property
The Website and its contents are protected by copyright under international laws and such copyright and any other rights in the Website and its contents are owned by or licensed to Cotlook. Additional restrictions apply to downloading, copying or printing subscription content made available through the Website, to which the Terms and Conditions supplied to subscribers of Cotlook’s services applies. Otherwise, you may view, download, copy or print textual or graphic content of the Website provided that it is for your personal, non-commercial use only and provided that you do not change or delete any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices.
You acknowledge that by posting materials on the Website you grant to Cotlook an irrevocable, perpetual royalty free worldwide licence to use the materials both on the Website and in any other manner. The licence extends to copying, distributing and broadcasting and otherwise transmitting and adapting and editing the materials.
Specific Prohibitions
The contents of the Website may not be disseminated in part or in whole without the prior written consent of Cotlook. You may not use, adapt or create derivative works from the Website for any commercial purpose.
In addition, you may not use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Website nor may you attempt to decipher, de-compile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of the software comprising or in any way making up a part of the Website.
Cotlook does not permit any third party to, in any way, frame the Website without obtaining Cotlook’s prior written consent. No part of the Website may be reproduced in any way on any other website.
Cotlook offers Users of the Website the opportunity to view a limited amount of data provided by the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) Futures US. The data must NOT be copied or disseminated without the express written permission of the ICE Exchange. Any misuse by users will be reported directly to ICE Futures US.
Specific software requirements
Access to PDF files containing our services requires installation by you, on the relevant permitted devices on which the service will be viewed, of a specific PDF reader, and the use of unique access codes. These codes may be changed from time to time, at Cotlook’s discretion. Cotlook gives no warranty regarding the functionality of the PDF reader on any device.
Cotlook will not be liable to you or any third party for any consequential loss or damage or for any loss of data, profit, revenue or business, howsoever caused (whether arising out of any negligence or breach of this Agreement or otherwise), even if that loss or damage was foreseeable by Cotlook, or the possibility of it was brought to Cotlook’s attention.
Cotlook excludes to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws all liability (other than liability for death or personal injury) whether in contract, tort (including liability for negligence) or otherwise for the accuracy, reliability, suitability, quality or completeness of the Website (in respect of which Cotlook makes no warranties or representations) or otherwise resulting from access and use of the Website
The Website and the materials on the Website are provided on an “as is” and an “as available” basis and Cotlook makes no and excludes (to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws) all warranties, representations, terms and conditions of any kind whether express or implied.
Cotlook makes no claims that any material contained in the Website may be lawfully viewed or downloaded outside England and Wales. Access to such materials may not be legal by certain persons or in certain countries. If you access the Website from outside England or Wales, you do so at your own risk and are responsible for compliance with the laws of your jurisdiction.
Computer Viruses and Errors
Whilst Cotlook will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Website does not contain or promulgate any errors, viruses, bugs, other malicious code or harmful components and will be uninterrupted Cotlook makes no warranty or representation that this will be the case. However, it is recommended that you should virus check all materials downloaded from the Website and regularly check for the presence of viruses, other malicious code, bugs and harmful components.
Cotlook shall have the right to immediately terminate your use of the Website if Cotlook determines in its sole discretion that you have breached these terms and conditions or have otherwise been engaged in conduct which it determines in its sole discretion to be unacceptable.
Should you wish to make any comments to Cotlook about the Website or if you have any questions relating to the same please contact Cotlook by e-mailing
Your Code of Conduct
When participating on or using the Website, you agree not to –
Cotlook reserves the right to discontinue your use of the Website without notice if you use the Website in any objectionable manner including without limitation if you breach the above code of conduct.
Contacting Cotlook
If you have a complaint or would like to comment on any matter, please contact Cotlook via by e-mailing
Personal Details
Personal details provided to Cotlook through the Website will only be used in accordance with Cotlook’s Data Consent & Privacy Policy, found on the homepage of our website. Please read this carefully before proceeding.
Cotlook reserves the right to vary the terms and conditions of this Agreement from time to time. Such variations become effective immediately upon the posting of the varied Agreement on the Website. By continuing to use the Website after such posting you will be deemed to accept such variations. You should visit this page periodically to review the terms and conditions of this Agreement because they are binding on you.
In the event that any term of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.
No waiver of any term of this Agreement shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term.
Except as expressly provided in additional terms of use for areas of the Website, this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Cotlook with respect to the use of the Website. Where such areas are subject to additional terms of use, by using such areas or any part thereof, you agree to be bound by such additional terms applicable to such areas.