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Cotlook Indices

A Index Explained . Date of index value: 14:30 GMT 12th Mar, 2025

Index Name Value Change
A Index 77.85 (-0.10)

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Conditions of Sale


1. The Publisher of the service detailed overleaf (“the Services”) is Cotlook Limited, Outlook House, 458 New Chester Road, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 2AE, United Kingdom (“the Publishers”).
2. The purchaser of the Services is the person or entity to whom this invoice is addressed, as shown overleaf. The subscriber is the person that has requested or has been nominated by the purchaser to receive mailed copies of certain of our services or a username and password to access our web-based services. Where applicable, a username and password is assigned to a fixed single user. Details of the relevant services are shown on the invoice overleaf.
3. The services may comprise one or more of the following: COTTON OUTLOOK, COTLOOK DAILY NEWS, COTLOOK BEIJING REPORT, COTLOOK LIVERPOOL REPORT, COTLOOK MEMPHIS, COTLOOK COTTONQUOTES, offered singly or combined under the heading COTLOOK IN ONE, or the COTLOOK PRICE SERIES or COTTON FACTS or any new service or combination of services that Cotlook Limited may, from time to time, choose to offer.
4. COTTON OUTLOOK is published in 52 editions annually, with Nos. 51 and 52 in a combined edition.
5. COTLOOK DAILY NEWS is made available on the company’s website, www.cotlook.com, (hereinafter ‘the website’) at the discretion of the publishers.
6. COTLOOK BEIJING REPORT, COTLOOK DAILY LIVERPOOL REPORT, COTLOOK MEMPHIS REPORT AND COTLOOK CIFQUOTES are made available for download from the website Monday to Friday inclusive*.
7. COTTON FACTS is made available for download every Monday* afternoon.
8.  COTLOOK PRICE SERIES is made available at the start of each calendar month*.*The Publishers reserve the right to vary these arrangements, or to curtail or suspend the services, on UK, Chinese or US public holidays, or when staff absences necessitate such action.
9. The copyright of the Services belongs to the Publishers and all rights are reserved to the Publishers. The Subscriber must not cause or allow the Service or any part thereof to be re-transmitted, re-published, broadcast, reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the express prior permission in writing of the Publishers. In particular (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing), the Subscriber must not without such permission relay or disseminate the whole or any part of the Services, other than in accordance with the terms and conditions of their subscription.
10. The Publishers shall not be liable for any failure or delay in mailing, placing on the relevant website or transmitting the Services for any reason whatsoever. Complaints of non-receipt of any service must be received by the Publishers within one calendar month of the publication date; otherwise requests for replacement copies cannot be entertained. The Publishers reserve the right to substitute electronic versions if printed copies of any service are unavailable. In case of difficulty in uploading to our website or transmitting COTLOOK IN ONE or any of its constituent services, or COTTON FACTS or COTLOOK PRICE SERIES, the Publishers may, at their sole discretion, seek alternative means of delivering the missing services.
11. The Publishers shall not be liable for any inaccuracy or misrepresentation in any material published in the Services, or for any misinterpretation thereof, even if caused by negligence by them, their employees or their agents.
12. The period covered by this agreement begins on the date on the invoice shown against the words “Service Period”. The entire subscription fee and mailing or transmission costs shall be payable before the said date or, in the case of new orders, immediately upon receipt of the invoice. Failure to observe these conditions will result in the Services being suspended. The Publishers reserve the right to alter the subscription fee for any service in advance of subscription renewal and to increase the postage or transmission costs without notice in the event of any increase imposed upon the Publishers by any courier or carrier whose services the Publishers may from time to time employ.
13. The Publishers shall have the right to immediately terminate this subscription if the Publishers determine, in their sole discretion that the Subscriber has breached these conditions of sale or has otherwise been engaged in conduct which they, the Publishers, determine, in their sole discretion, to be unacceptable.
14. In all other circumstances, this subscription may be terminated by either party on three months’ written notice, in which case the appropriate refund shall be payable.
15. Attention is hereby specifically drawn to the additional terms and conditions covering the Publishers’ internet services, which can be found on our website.
16. The Publishers reserve the right, at their discretion, to amend the terms and conditions contained herein and published on our website.
17. The proper law of these Conditions of Sale shall be English law, by which they shall be interpreted.

February 20, 2014

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